The son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45
Mark 10:45
What will you find at Community Bible Church?
Here is a brief "snapshot" of who we are.
We believe in. . .
• The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
• Jesus Christ: real, historical, risen and reigning
• God's Word: inspired and inerrant
• Human sinfulness: afflicting us all
• Forgiveness: through the blood of Christ
• Divine might: Nothing beyond God's control and care
• Christian fellowship: vital to our spiritual health
• Reverent worship
On the practical side, we believe that Christians should:
• Honor Christ by being baptized
• Obey Christ by keeping His commandments
• Unite with Christ by regular habits of fellowship with His church
• Worship Christ in Spirit and in truth
• Declare Christ by proclaiming the gospel
• Love Christ through sincere acts of devotion
• Seek Christ by turning away from worldliness
Community Bible Church is an evangelical and reformed congregation that exists to glorify God by Worshiping Him in Spirit and Truth and doing all things for His Glory.
If you have questions about us or the Gospel (Sovereign and Gracious Salvation through Jesus Christ’s work) please speak to one of the Pastors or Elders today.
You may also call the church offices at 775-358-8954, Tuesday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Thank you for visiting CBC’s website. May Jesus be the diamond to shine in the center of your life.
Pastor Todd Musser
Pastor Keller Hackbusch
Pastor Akash Sant Singh
Secretary Lori Moujabber
Deacon Kevin Nelson
Deacon Aramis Anastassatos
Life in any church has several common characteristics. This page provides information on several vital aspects of our fellowship.
Our Pulpit:
The word "pulpit" refers to our church's key focus of ministry: the proclamation of the Word of God.
Our pastors, and the guest preachers that we invite, seek to preach the Gospel with Christian affection and holy passion. Sermons are both evangelical and practical.
Sunday School Classes:
We offer Sunday School classes at 9:00 am on each Sunday, year round. From Youth to Adults.
We usually cover large expansive doctrinal themes, with practical implications.
We have separate nurseries for infants and toddlers (newborn to about 3 years old) and preschool to second graders (about 3 years old to 8 years old). Nursery care is provided by adult church members, sometimes accompanied by their own older children.
Music in Worship:
Believing congregational singing to be vital to the life of the church (Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:19-20), we begin and end our Sunday preaching service by singing together beautiful, passionate, and expressive songs that are filled with the Word of God.
We direct our singing to God in worship, praise, and thankfulness (Psalm 57:7-11). We also direct our singing to each other for the growth and encouragement of our church body (I Cor. 14:26).
We sing songs that are deeply theological, declaring Biblical doctrine and extolling the character of God revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ. We also sing songs that are deeply personal, testifying to the experience of salvation and Christian living (Psalm 40:1-3).
Above all, we seek to glorify God and magnify Jesus Christ as we sing together (I Cor. 10:31).
Confession of Faith:
The creeds and confession to which we subscribe have a rich history in the Christian church. The Apostles’ Creed has been in use perhaps for as long as 1,800 years, the Nicene Creed for over 1,600 years, and the London Baptist Confession for over 300 years. And although the London Baptist Confession has been in existence only since 1689, the essence of the theology it espouses can be traced back to the French Reformer, John Calvin (1509-1564), and back even farther to Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430). When it comes to our understanding of the Christian faith, we find ourselves in good company.
Lord's Supper:
Our Church observes communion, or "the Lord's Supper," on the first Sunday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
The elements our "Supper" celebration include bread (symbolizing the body of Christ) and "the fruit of the vine," (grape juice---symbolizing the blood of Christ). We believe that Christ spoke metaphorically when he referred to the bread as His body, and the wine as his blood. Therefore, these elements do not become "Christ" in the course of our observance, as some believe.
Our communion practice includes an invitation to other sincere believers to participate with us.
We welcome all who:
1.Have experienced the saving grace of Jesus through a living faith and repentant lifestyle;
2.Have professed their faith openly by becoming active members of a Christian congregation that embraces the integrity and authority of the Bible.
In saying this, we understand that exceptions occasionally arise, and we encourage any with questions to approach one of our elders. We will be glad to speak to you.
We are a baptist church, and, as such, we practice the immersion of believers. Nevertheless, the question of when and how to baptize has been a source of much discussion and debate throughout church history.
Although we do not practice infant baptism, we know that many churches in the Sierra Nevada area, and elsewhere, do observe such practices with sincere conviction. While we believe that baptism (i.e., immersion) is an important practice with important doctrinal foundations, we also understand that Christians will still differ on many issues on this side of heaven and eternity, and that baptism is not excluded from those differences. For this reason, we gladly enjoy the fellowship of brethren whose viewpoints differ from ours on this issue.
If you are a new believer who is thinking about being baptized, we urge you to combine your baptism with a solid commitment to Christ through membership in a local church. Let us know if we can help you during the early days of your walk with Christ.
At Community Bible Church our desire for all who visit is that through the teaching of God’s Word and worship in prayer and song, you will be drawn closer to God. The underlying motivation for all that we do is “A Passion for the Glory of God and the Joy of His People.”
““I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus,
who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his
appearing and his kingdom: preach the word;
be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke,
and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.”
(2 Timothy 4:1-2 ESV)”
To support Liz Howald, please send your offering by check or on-line bill pay through your banking app to:
Community Bible Church
385 Gentry Way
Reno, NV 89502
Mark your offering: Missions - Liz - 100% of the offerings received go to her.
Community Bible Church
385 Gentry Way, Reno NV 89502
(775) 358-8954